How do I earn EPC Sports Rewards?
Rewards can be earned for participation, winning matches, and achieving higher EPC scores.
When can I find out my EPC Score following a Tournament?
Your score will be updated live or by the following day.
How do I edit my profile?
Click on the Profile icon in the EPC players app.
What EPC Sports or other events count towards my EPC Sports player rating?
Every match in any EPC event (Internal, Open, or Inter-club) counts towards your EPC rating score.
Can I see where I am rated compared to other players?
Yes, on the EPC players app. Click on the Rankings icon.
How do I register for an EPC Sports Event?
This can be done via the website or players app.
What are the features of the Players/Parents App?
-Track progress -Follow friends -Create an avatar -View upcoming events/tournaments -Leaderboards -Redeem rewards (coming soon)
How do I activate my player profile?
Create an account as a player using the EPC app, verify your account through email, and start using your player profile.
I don’t want my child to be photographed or used in social media.
Click on the do not photograph box when registering on the EPC platform.
What are the types of events my child/player can enter into?
-Internal Events: Played at their own club, centre, or school without external players. -Open Events: Involve external players and are an opportunity to play against players of similar ability. -Inter-club/centre team tennis: Represents their centre, school, or club in inter-club competitions. -Interdistrict: Opportunity to trial for zone, district, and state representation.